<%nav_bg=4%> <% if request("sortid")<>"" then article_numa=conn.execute("select count(*) from query_info where qtype='news' and sortid="&request("sortid")&" ")(0) if article_numa=1 or article_numa=0 then if request("sortid")<>"" then sql="select top 1 * from query_info where qtype='news' and sortid="&request("sortid")&" order by order_info asc,id asc" else sql="select top 1 * from query_info where qtype='news' order by order_info asc,id asc" end if Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not(rs.eof) then id=rs("id") subject=rs("subject") content=rs("content") sortid=rs("sortid") sortname=rs("sortname") images=rs("images") Field1=rs("Field1") set rsn=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset") sqln="select top 1 * from info_sort where qtype='news' and id="&rs("sortid")&" order by orderno asc,id asc" Rsn.open sqln,conn,1,1 if not(rsn.eof and rsn.bof) then sort_images=rsn("images") sort_content=rsn("content") end if rsn.close else response.Write(" ") end if rs.close else response.Redirect("news_list.asp?sortid="&request("sortid")&"") end if else if request("id")<>"" then sql="select * from query_info where qtype='news' and id="&request("id")&" order by order_info asc,id asc" Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not(rs.eof) then id=rs("id") subject=rs("subject") content=rs("content") sortid=rs("sortid") sortname=rs("sortname") Field1=rs("Field1") images=rs("images") set rsn=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset") sqln="select top 1 * from info_sort where qtype='news' and id="&rs("sortid")&" order by orderno asc,id asc" Rsn.open sqln,conn,1,1 if not(rsn.eof and rsn.bof) then sort_images=rsn("images") sort_content=rsn("content") end if rsn.close else response.Write(" ") end if rs.close end if end if %>




    <% sql="select * from info_sort where qtype='news' order by orderno asc,id asc" Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 i=0 do while not rs.eof i=i+1 %>
  • "" then%><%if sortid=rs("id") then%>class="left_nav_hover"<%end if%><%end if%>>" title="<%=rs("SortName")%>"><%=left(rs("SortName"),10)%>
  • <% rs.movenext loop rs.close %>


<%if Field1 <>"" then%>
<%end if%>
<%if images<>"" then%>
<%end if%> <%=content%>
<% sql="select top 1 * from query_info where qtype='news' and id<"&request("id")&" and sortid="&sortid&" order by order_info asc,id asc" Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not(rs.eof) then response.Write(""&rs("subject")&":上一篇") else response.Write("没有了!:上一篇") end if rs.close %>
<% sql="select top 1 * from query_info where qtype='news' and id>"&request("id")&" and sortid="&sortid&" order by order_info asc,id asc" Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not(rs.eof) then response.Write(""&rs("subject")&":下一篇") else response.Write("没有了!:上一篇") end if rs.close %>